Professional Development for Creating a Math/Science Project on COVID

Curated by: Kara Alhadeff

What: PBL Works is a great resource to find engaging and relevant projects! I found a project that provides a project prompt related to the spread of COVID.  While this resource does not provide the exact structure for the project, it provides guiding questions and the standards that apply. This resource can be used during a professional development by grouping faculty to create the structure of the project. 

Why: This project is relevant and provides a prompt/guiding question to create the structure of a project.
How: This resource can be used during a professional development to help teachers understand how to design a project. Instructional leaders/coaches can group teachers, give them the project summary, learning goals, summary and considerations and task the groups to create a project together. At the end of the session the group can present their design ideas for how to actualize this project.


Scientific Notation Project


Carbon Footprint Project