Curated by: Hong Ha Hoang

What :

Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard system. Jamboard is a smart display. It can quickly pull in images from a Google search, save work to the cloud automatically, use the easy-to-read handwriting and shape recognition tool, and draw with a stylus but erase with your finger – just like a whiteboard. Padlet can be used by students and teachers to post notes on a common page. The notes posted by teachers and students can contain links, videos, images and document files. When you register with Padlet, you can create as many “walls” or online notice boards as you like. Both are easy ways to create and collaborate. 


Jamboard and Padlet are a great place for gathering ideas, sharing them and modifying them later. They both are a living, breathing webpage. Users can add links, YouTube videos, files and images. They can move and arrange them. 


There are 5 main components to this.

  1. Open Jamboard/Padlet

  2. Create Your Jam/Padlet

  3. Draw on Your Jam/Padlet

  4. Share Your Jam/Padlet

  5. Save Your Jam/Padlet


  1. Jamboard Guide

  2. Jamboard Video Guide

  3. Classroom Expectations Jamboard (from last month)

  4. Padlet Video Tutorial

  5. Padlet Hyperdoc (from this month)

  6. Padlet vs. Jamboard

Tags: Best for All Grade Levels, Adaptable to other Subjects, Activity, Collaboration Tool


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