Internet Scavenger Hunt
Curated by: Hong Ha Hoang
Hone student search skills with the internet scavenger hunt. When a google search is conducted, Google will indicate the number of websites returned: the lower the number, the more detailed the search terms. Students race to search for specific information on the internet and record their search results. Students find the required information, summarize their findings, screenshot the Google search results page to show the number of returned searches, and include the screenshot on their slide. Bonus points are awarded to the student or team with the lowest number for each slide with the correct information.
This game is all about learning search skills.
This can be modified for students to do research about a topic for class.
Encourage group work and presentation skills
There are 4 main components to this.
Select a topic to be researched
Pre-research the topic to make sure the information you are asking students to find actually exists, and that it is appropriate for students to access
Create the criteria students will be researching. For example: George Washington stopped his army’s rebellion by putting on a pair of glasses. What is the name of the conspiracy behind the rebellion? The search could look like this: Washington + rebellion + army + glasses.
Prepare a slide deck for students to copy at the beginning template that includes information such as the answer and screenshot of search results
Resources: EduProtocol Books
Tags: Best for upper elementary, middle, and high school students, Adaptable for all subjects, Activity, Best used to research topics and learn vocabulary