Curated by: Julianna Parra
Circles are originally a restorative justice practice that provides a safe space for community building. Circles can be used for community building, as a restorative practice when conflicts come up and for academic learning.
When all students and the teacher sit in a circle at the same level (i.e. everyone on the floor or everyone in a chair) we are able to promote the importance of everyone feeling seen and heard equally. When using circles to elevate all student voice it is important to be intentional. This includes creating and upholding circle norms, picking the topic or purpose and supporting all students in their engagement.
These slides include an introductory teacher facing slide and then shift to slides that are student facing for introducing circles. These slides include student reflection about how circles can be used in their class that can be done in any school setting. Additionally, a vision slide for circles, sample norms and an edutopia article for additional reading about this practice.
Best For: teachers, coaches and school administrators
Categorical tags: Community building, restorative practice